I Would Love To Go To A Hot Tub Cinema

Vancouver Courier – An Australia-based group is putting together an interesting event that’s coming to Vancouver in May of 2018. Basically the idea seems to be that you get drunk in a hot tub and watch a movie with your friends, amongst other people who are doing the same thing in adjacent hot tubs.

Hot Tub Cinema will be opening up 20 hot tubs in a to-be-determined venue in the city, each filled with 5 people each over 6 nights. That’s 600 people enjoying a film in hot water, drinking beverages.

Apparently this company has existed for a while and has held some events in the US as well. But this is the first I’ve heard of it. I’ll be talking about it as just an idea in general.

I love this idea in theory. I like movies, I like hot tubs, I like drinking. But I’m not sure how much I would actually enjoy for what it is. I guarantee I’d have a fun time going to one of these events. But an entire movie is a long time to stay in a hot tub. Sure, you can get up and walk around a bit, but then you run the risk of missing some of the movie. Or you have too much to drink and you stop caring about the movie. If you watch the video on the company’s (Hot Tub Cinema Club) website, it does seem to be more of a social gathering or party rather than just a simple movie night. Now I would absolutely, 100% go to one of these if one ever comes around Minneapolis, but it would have to be the right type of movie for me to fully enjoy it. A comedy that I’ve seen a lot before, Happy Gilmore, 21 Jump Street, something along those lines would be perfect. Something I can pop in and out of and not have to pay real close attention to. If they start showing Shawshank Redemption or other similar movies I’d be out. I’m hoping this company continues to have success enough that they can continue to expand. I’d love to give this a shot.



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